T. R. Long Engineering, P.C. is hiring! We are a family-oriented business seeking to grow…

T. R. Long Engineering, P.C. is hiring! We are a family-oriented business seeking to grow across Georgia. Consider joining our family! T. R. Long Engineering, P.C. is seeking a Georgia Registered Professional Engineer. We have openings in both our Hinesville and Pooler offices. The candidate should have experience in roadway design, water and sewer system design site design and development, subdivision design, and drainage design for both municipal and private projects. Good personal and communication skills are a must. Strong computer skills are required with Autodesk Civil 3D, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel.
Our work environment is friendly and fun loving. T. R. Long Engineering, P.C. offers competitive salaries and benefits including 100% paid insurance for the employee, paid time off, retirement programs, and professional development assistance. Apply now for immediate openings.
- Design of roadway improvements including the design of pavement, establishing grades and elevations for the roadway, the design of drainage ditches, curbs and gutters, the sizing of drainage pipes and structures, roadside safety improvements, and the like.
- Preparation of specific development plans for commercial/retail facilities including the design of the site layout, establishing grades and elevations for the building and parking areas, the design of assess ways and driveways, the design of water and sewerage facilities to service the site, the design of drainage facilities, the sizing of storm drainage pipes, the design of stormwater detention/retention facilities and the design of stormwater quality best management practices.
- Preparation of specific development plans for single-family residential subdivisions including the preparation of the lotting plan to meet local zoning requirements, the design of roadways within the development, the design of water system extensions into the development, the design of sanitary sewer system extensions into the site, the design of drainage systems, the preparation of detailed drainage calculations, the preparation of design consideration reports, the design of stormwater quality best management practices.
- The design of water system improvements to include water main extensions, design of groundwater wells for drinking water systems, preparation of detailed design calculations for water system pressures and flow rates, the design of water system disinfection and water treatment facilities.
- The design of sanitary sewer collection systems to include the design of sewer main extension, the design of sanitary pump stations, the preparation of detailed calculations for pump selection and operation, the design of sanitary sewer pressure systems, and assisting with the design of wastewater treatment facilities.
- Conducting on site investigations and analyzing the terrain, drainage features, and other existing features data for civil design projects.
- The preparation of hydrology studies for municipal projects to include the analysis of the size of drainage pipes, ditches, channels, ponds, and the like to determine the adequacy of the drainage system.
- Preparation of construction plans, construction documents, and technical specifications for the development of civil engineering projects.
- Evaluate and analyze emerging problems and deficiencies with civil projects and recommend solutions.
- Coordinate with permit agencies to process permits for civil projects. This includes coordination with the local governments, state agencies and federal agencies.
- Coordinate with project inspectors and address design issues during construction of projects.
- Make periodic site visits to observe the construction of projects to ensure that the design requirements are being met.
- Excellent knowledge of design software such as AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Proficiency in site layout, grading, utility design, erosion control, regulatory approvals etc.
- Project management and supervision skills
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- License of Professional Engineer